toyz.utils package¶
toyz.utils.core module¶
- class toyz.utils.core.Toy(toy, module=None, path=None, config=None, key=None)¶
A toy built on the toyz framework.
This class has not yet been setup
- reload(module)¶
- class toyz.utils.core.ToyzClass(dict_in)¶
I often prefer to work with classes rather than dictionaries. To allow these objects to be pickled they must be defined as a class, so this is simply a class that converts a dictionary into a class.
- class toyz.utils.core.ToyzJobQueue(queue_name, process_count)¶
An environment for a single user to run tasks.
No longer implemented, but may be in the future
- add_job(job)¶
- close_env(interrupt_jobs=False)¶
- initialize()¶
- job_worker(queue)¶
- class toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings(config_root_path=None)¶
Settings for the current toyz application.
- first_time_setup(config_root_path)¶
Initial setup of the Toyz application and creation of files the first time it’s run.
- Parameters
- config_root_path (string ): Default root path of the new Toyz instance
- load_settings(config_path, security_key=None)¶
Load settings. If is True, the settings file will be decrypted (this requires a securiity key).
Security not yet implemented
- save_settings(security_key=None)¶
Save the toyz settings to disk. If is True, the settings file will be encrypted (this requires a security key).
Security not yet implemented
- toyz.utils.core.check4keys(myDict, keys)¶
Checks a dictionary for a set of required keys.
- Parameters
- myDict (dict ): Dictionary to be searched
- keys (list ): List of keys to search for in the dictionary
- Raises
- Raises a toyz.utils.errors.ToyzJobError if any keys are missing from myDict and lists all of the missing keys
- toyz.utils.core.check_instance(obj, instances)¶
Check if an object is an instance of another object
- Parameters
- obj (object ): Object to check
- instances (list ): List of objects to crosscheck with obj
- Returns
- is_instance (bool ): True if the obj is an instances of one of the objects in the list, False otherwise
- toyz.utils.core.check_pwd(toyz_settings, user_id, pwd)¶
Check to see if a users password matches the one stored in the database.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ): Settings for the current application
- user_id (string ): Id of the user logging in
- pwd: (string ): password the user has entered
- Returns
- valid_login (bool ): True if the user name and password match
- toyz.utils.core.check_user_modules(toyz_settings, user_id, module)¶
Check to see if a module is available for the user
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
user_id ( string ): id of the current user module ( string ): name of the module to search for
- Returns
- module_present ( bool ):
- true if the user has access to the module, false otherwise
- toyz.utils.core.check_user_shortcuts(toyz_settings, user_id, shortcuts=None)¶
Check that a user has all of the default shortcuts.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ): Toyz Settings
- user_id (string ): User id to check for shortcuts
- shortcuts (dict, optional): Dictionary of shortcuts for a user. Shortcuts are always of the form shortcut_name:path .
- Returns
- shortcuts: dictionary of shortcuts for the user
- toyz.utils.core.check_version(db_settings)¶
Since version changes may update the API or the database, check that the current version is compatible with the users configuration and database
- toyz.utils.core.create_paths(paths)¶
Search for paths on the server. If a path does not exist, create the necessary directories. For example, if paths=['~/Documents/images/2014-6-5_data/'] and only the path ‘~/Documents’ exists, both ‘~/Documents/images/’ and ‘~/Documents/images/2014-6-5_data/’ are created.
- Parameters
- paths (string or list of strings): If paths is a string, this is the path to search for and create. If paths is a list, each one is a path to search for and create
- toyz.utils.core.encrypt_pwd(toyz_settings, pwd)¶
Use the passlib module to create a hash for the given password.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ): Settings for the current application
- pwd (string ): password the user has entered
- Returns
- pwd_hash (string ): Password hash to be stored for the given password. If passwords are not encrypted, this will just return the pwd passed to the function.
- toyz.utils.core.get_all_user_modules(toyz_settings, user_id)¶
Get all modules available for the user.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
user_id ( string ): id of the current user
- Returns
- user_modules ( list of strings ):
- list of all toyz modules that the user has access to, including permissions granted by member groups
- toyz.utils.core.get_all_user_toyz(toyz_settings, user_id)¶
Get all available Toyz paths for the current user
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
user_id ( string ): id of the current user
- Returns
- user_toyz ( dict ):
- All of the local python directories that the user can use to run jobs.
- toyz.utils.core.get_bool(prompt)¶
Prompt a user for a boolean expression and repeat until a valid boolean has been entered. prompt is the text to prompt the user with.
- toyz.utils.core.get_module_info(toyz_settings, tid, params)¶
Get information about modules accessible by the current user
- toyz.utils.core.get_toyz_module(toyz_settings, user_id, module)¶
Get a toyz module from either installed modules or one in a users toyz paths. An uninstalled toy will take precedence if it is in the toy paths as opposed to installed modules.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
user_id ( string ): id of the current user module ( string ): name of the module to search for
- Returns
- toyz_module ( module ): python module if it exists, otherwise None.
- Raises
- Raises a toyz.utils.errors.ToyzJobError if the module is not found in the users approved modules
- toyz.utils.core.get_user_toyz(toyz_settings, user_id, toy)¶
If a toy is contained in a users toyz paths, get the module and return it
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
user_id ( string ): id of the current user toy ( string ): name of the toy to search for
- Returns
- toy ( module ): python module if it exists, otherwise None.
- toyz.utils.core.get_user_type(params)¶
Since user properties and group properties are kept in the same table and use the same functions, many functions use the keyword user_id or group_id to figure out if they are operating on groups or users.
- Parameters
- params (dict ): Dictionary of parameters sent to a function
- Returns
- user (dict ): Dictionary with user_type. This is always either {user_id: params['user_id']} or {group_id: params['group_id']}
- toyz.utils.core.get_workspace_permissions(toyz_settings, tid, params)¶
- toyz.utils.core.is_int(str_in)¶
Check whether or not a string is an integer.
- toyz.utils.core.is_number(str_in)¶
Check whether or not a string is a number
- toyz.utils.core.merge_dict(d1, d2, copy=False, keys=[])¶
Python version of jQuery.extend that recursively merges two python dictionaries. If copy is True then the new object is a copy, otherwise d2 is merged into d1 (the same as $.extend). keys should never be passed on the first call as it is used to keep track of which elements have been used (to avoid infinite loops).
- toyz.utils.core.normalize_path(path)¶
Format a path with bash symbols like ‘~‘ , ‘.‘ , ‘..‘ into a full absolute path. This simply returns os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) .
- toyz.utils.core.progress_log(msg)¶
Send a notification to the client to update on the progress of a job
- Parameters
- msg ( string ): message to send to client
- toyz.utils.core.run_job(toyz_settings, pipe, job)¶
Loads modules and runs a job (function) sent from a client. Any errors will be trapped and flagged as a toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError and sent back to the client who initiated the job.
All job functions will take exactly 3 parameters: toyz_settings, tid, params. The tid is the task id (user, session, and request_id ) information (see below), and params is a dictionary of parameters sent by the client.
Each job is run as a new process, so any modules imported should be removed from memory when the job has completed.
- Parameters
- toyz_settings ( toyz.utils.core.ToyzSettings ):
- Settings for the application runnning the job (may be needed to load user info or check permissions)
- pipe: multiprocessing.Pipe
- Communication with the parent process.
- It may be useful to pass progress notifications to a client as a job is run. To send a notifaction the pipe requires a dictionary that is of the same form as the result (see Returns below), but usually with id='notification'.
- job: dict
- The job received from the user. Each job will contain the following keys:
- id (dict): Unique values for the given job. These are the user_id, the id of the user loaded from a secure cookie; the session_id, a unique identifier for the websocket; and the request_id, a unique identifier for the current request, sent from the client
- module (str): Name of the Python module that contains the function called by the client. In order for a module to work for a user, he/she must either have permissions set to view the module or belong to a group with permissions set to view the module (including all_users).
- task (str): Name of the function called by the client
- parameters (dict): Required and optional parameters passed to the function.
- Returns
- result: dict
- The result is returned to the application running the job and is composed of two keys: an id: the job id for the completed job, and a response that is sent to the client.
- The response is either an empty dictionary or one that contains (at a minimum) the key id, which is used by the client to identify the type of response it is receiving. Including the key request_completed with a True value tells the client that the current request has finished and may be removed from the queue.
A client might send the following job to the server:
job = { id : { user_id : 'Iggy', session_id : '12', request_id : 305 }, module : 'toyz.web.tasks', task : 'load_directory', parameters : { path: '~/images' } }
In this case, after receiving the job, this function will import the toyz.web.tasks module (if it has not been imported already) and run the function load_directory(toyz_settings, job['id'],job['parameters']). If there are any errors in loading the directory, a response of the form
response = { 'id' : 'ERROR', 'error' : 'Error message here for unable to lead directory', 'traceback' : traceback.format_exec() }
is sent. If the directory is loaded correctly a response of the form
response={ 'id': 'directory', 'path': '~/images/proj1', 'shortcuts': ['user', 'temp', 'home'], 'folders': ['proj1', 'proj2'], 'files': [], 'parent': '~/images' }
is sent to the client.
- toyz.utils.core.str_2_bool(bool_str)¶
Case independent function to convert a string representation of a boolean ('true'/'false', 'yes'/'no') into a bool. This is case insensitive, and will also accept part of a boolean string ('t'/'f', 'y'/'n').
Raises a toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError if an invalid expression is entered.
toyz.utils.db module¶
To keep Toyz database agnostic this module works as a stardard API to access any database interfaces written into the framework. Currently on the sqlite interface is supported.
- toyz.utils.db.check_chars(err_flag, *lists)¶
Check if every value in every list is alpha-numeric.
- Parameters
- err_flag (bool ):
- If err_flag is True, an exception will be raised if the field is not alpha_numeric.
- If err_flag is False, the function will return False
- lists (lists):
- Each list in lists must be a list of strings, each one a keyword to verify if it is alpha-numeric
- toyz.utils.db.create_toyz_database(db_settings)¶
Create a new Toyz database. This should only be done when creating a new instance of a Toyz application.
- toyz.utils.db.db_func(db_settings, func, **params)¶
Function from a database outside of the database API.
- toyz.utils.db.delete_param(db_settings, param_type, **params)¶
Delete a parameter from the database.
- toyz.utils.db.delete_workspace(db_settings, user_id, work_id)¶
Delete a workspace
- toyz.utils.db.get_all_ids(db_settings, user_type)¶
Get all user_id’s or group_id’s in the database.
- toyz.utils.db.get_db_info(db_settings)¶
Get the info for the database, including the version it was created with, updates made, and the latest version of toyz it was configured for
- toyz.utils.db.get_param(db_settings, param_type, **params)¶
Get a parameter from the database. This may be either a single value, dictionary, or list of values, depending on the parameter.
- toyz.utils.db.get_path_info(db_settings, path)¶
Get the permissions for all users and groups for a given path.
- toyz.utils.db.get_table_names(db_settings)¶
Get the names of tables in the database (this can be useful when the user has changed versions)
- toyz.utils.db.get_workspace_sharing(db_settings, **params)¶
Get sharing permissions for a users workspaces
- toyz.utils.db.group_fields = ['pwd', 'users', 'paths', 'modules', 'toyz', 'workspaces']¶
toyz.utils.db.param_formats is a dictionary that sets a standard for getting and updating rows in the toyz database. Each param format has the following keys:
- tbl ( string ):
- Name of the table
- required ( string ):
- Required parameters to get a row (or rows) from the table
- get ( string or list ):
- When a user calls a get_param command, the get columns (along with the required columns) are loaded from the table
- format ( string ):
- The type of object to be added to the table. This can be single, dict, or list.
- update ( string ):
- Name of key to use when updating the table (see below for different formats)
- single:
- Only a single value can be store/retrieved
- update is just the same as the get column name
- list:
- A list of values can be stored or retrieved, but the table only has a single non-required column
- update is the variable name of the list that needs to be added to the table
- dict:
- A dictionary is stored in the table
- get is a list where the first variable is the key of the dictionary and the second is the value
- update is the variable name of the dictionary that is being added to the table
- rows:
- Some tables have multiple columns that may be stored/retrieved in different ways
- Tables with format='rows' cannot make user of the get/update/delete_param methods
- The keywords of the dictionary are the columns of the table
- columns is a list of column names in the table
- json ( list, optional):
- A list of any columns that need to be converted to/from a json string for storage/retrieval
- toyz.utils.db.init(**params)¶
For some databases it might be necessary to initialize them on startup, so this function call init in the current database interface
- toyz.utils.db.update_all_params(db_settings, param_type, **params)¶
Update a parameter with a single value, a list of values, or a dictionary. In the case of a list or a dictionary, this function also removes any entries in the database not contained in params .
- toyz.utils.db.update_param(db_settings, param_type, **params)¶
Update a parameter with a single value, list of values, or dictionary.
- toyz.utils.db.update_version(db_settings, params)¶
It may be necessary to update a database when the Toyz version changes. This function will be unique to each DB and describe how to implement a given version change
- toyz.utils.db.update_workspace(db_settings, user_id, work_id, **kwargs)¶
Update sharing for a workspace
toyz.utils.errors module¶
Error classes used in Toyz.
- exception toyz.utils.errors.Error¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Base class for custom errors related to the running of Toyz
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzDataError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError
Class for Toyz DataSource Errors
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzDbError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError
Class for errors initiating in the Toyz Database Interface
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.Error
Class for custom errors related to the running of Toyz.
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzIoError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError
Class for I/O Errors
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzJobError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError
Class for errors initiating in the Toyz Job Queue
- class toyz.utils.errors.ToyzWarning(msg)¶
Class for warnings
- exception toyz.utils.errors.ToyzWebError(msg)¶
Bases: toyz.utils.errors.ToyzError
Class for errors initiating in the Toyz Web Application
toyz.utils.file_access module¶
Utilities to access path and file permissions for the server.
- toyz.utils.file_access.get_all_parents(path)¶
Create a list with all of the parent directories of the file or path.
For example /Users/penny/Documents would be returned as ['/Users/penny/Documents', '/Users/penny', '/Users/']
- toyz.utils.file_access.get_file_permissions(db_settings, path, **user)¶
Get all of the permissions for a given path. Returns None type if no permissions have been set.
- Parameters
- db_settings (object ): Database settings
- path (string ): Path to check for permissions
- user (dict ): Key is either user_id or group_id, value is the user_id or group_id
- Return
- permissions (string ): Permissions for the given user for the given path. Returns None if no permissions have been set.
- toyz.utils.file_access.get_parent_permissions(db_settings, path, **user)¶
Find the permissions of the given path. If it doesn’t have any permissions explicitely set, descend a tree and find the first parent directory with permissions set. If no permissions can be found, None is returned.
- Parameters
- db_settings (object ): Database settings
- path (string ): Path to check for permissions
- user (dict ): Key is either user_id or group_id, value is the user_id or group_id
- Return
- permissions (string ): Permissions for the given user for the given path. Returns None if no permissions have been set for any parent paths.
- toyz.utils.file_access.get_path_tree(path)¶
Get all of the sub directories of path.
- toyz.utils.file_access.split_path(path_in)¶
Splits a path into a list of its folders.
For example /Users/penny/Documents would be returned as ['Users', 'penny', 'Documents'] module¶
-, key)¶
Use the provided key to decrypt the config file. Not yet supported
Encrypt the app settings using a config file. Not yet supported
toyz.utils.third_party_settings module¶
Module contents¶
Common non-package specific utility functions