Toyz for Data Reduction and Analysis: Version 0.1


Introduction to Toyz

Workspaces and Tiles

Creating Custom Toyz

Contributing to the Toyz Project


Visit the github page to see some sample screenshots from Toyz (and Astropyp/Astro pypelines that will soon be converted to Toyz in the coming weeks).

Recent Developements

An initial Toyz release paper was submitted to Astronomy and Computing and uploaded to arxiv on June 29, 2015.

Most major bug fixes and installation problems have been solved and a small community of astronomers has begun to use Toyz. Please feel free to drop me a line if you have been using Toyz and let me know how it has been working.

Future Upgrades

The next major release will attempt to integrate Toyz as a Jupyter (iPython) notebook extension. This will significantly simply the initial setup of Toyz, which can take some time if you are using the same Toyz instance for multiple users.

Affiliated Packages

Below are some of the package that are either completed or in development to be used as add-ons to the Toyz framework. If you develop a project of your own please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.

  • Toyz Template is a template for creating custom

    toyz modules compatible with the current framework. It contains simple examples illustrating how to use the GUI to build controls and create your own interactive pages or new tiles to use on a Toyz workspace

  • Astro Toyz is the package I’m currently translating

    from the old astropyp format. Some of its features will include:

    • Source detection
    • Aperture photometry
    • Interactive editing of point source catalogs
    • Catalog lookups (using astroquery and vizier)
    • Proper motions using specified catalogs

Third Party Software

Creating toyz was only possible due to the open source community, including other projects on github.

The third party codes currently used in toyz are:

Citing Toyz

A Toyz paper has been written and submitted for publication to Astronomy and Computing. In the meantime it can be cited at the Astrophysics Source Code Library.

Indices and tables